Saturday, January 5, 2008

Another Librarian's Metamorphosis

I'm noted for saying we've been too quiet about the need for public library funding, and giving speeches at the drop of a hat to shame the powers that be into supporting our noble mission.
I'm not alone.
At yesterday’s meeting of the Massachusetts Library Association’s Legislative Committee, MLA President Kimberly S. Lynn shared a copy of a delightful article that shatters stereotypes while rallying librarians to become political activists.
Today she emailed a link to share it.
It was written as an article by Maureen Ambrosino, Youth Services Consultant for the Central Massachusetts Regional Library System, and was reworked into a comic (if it’s too short to be a graphic novel, can we call it a graphic essay?) for publication in School Library Journal.
Check out (librarians love to say that) “The Metamorphosis.”

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