In Congress, July 4, 1776 - The Boston Globe
Today's Boston Globe published the Declaration of Independence as its lead and only editorial. They also had another item in the same section of the same issue that inspired me to write:
The juxtaposition can't be ignored: Your July 4th lead editorial, the Declaration of Independence, “Governments...deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…” Your large ad on page A4, “Spotlight on Whitey Bulger” hawks 3 e-books including “The Bulger Mystique.” As I lament the fawning attention to the worst among us, while detesting the label “elitist,” I am forced to conclude the decline of our society could not continue without “the consent of the audience.” I hold this truth to be self-evident, that the state of our discourse is insufficient to enable us as citizens to fulfill the promises of the Declaration.v
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