It is nice to be acknowledged and wonderful to get free publicity. I've been announcing at Brockton Symphony Orchestra concerts for six years, and asked if I might be listed in the program book. How sweet to see that my informal title has been formalized and preserved for posterity. "The voice..."
It is also nice to see an entire gallery of photos from yesterday's magnificent concert, including one of yours truly at the microphone, in the Brockton Enterprise.
From the Enterprise web site (bold article title links to the photo gallery)
Brockton Symphony Orchestra concert
The Brockton Symphony Orchestra performed on stage during a concert at Oliver Ames High School in Easton on Sunday, Nov. 2, 2014.
Posted Nov. 2, 2014
As soon as I saw the photos I posted a link to the article on Facebook, noting a couple of possible errors, I immediately wrote, "One caption referred to the violas as violins, another called the bass a cello, but they got the French Horn right and didn't call it a tuba..."
Shortly after posting that I started to feel guilty and mean-spirited, so I added a comment saying, "Perhaps I'm being hasty. The caption said 'violinists...perform' while showing viola players - are they violinists rather than viola-ists? I don't know for sure. [I think the proper term is violist, but my research has proved inconclusive.] Same for the bass. Caption says'"cellist plays' not 'plays the cello in this picture.' How do I know the fellow playing the bass in the picture is not also a cellist? Pardon my rush to judgement and play for cheap laughs."
If you click on the link you can see all 17 photos by Scott Eisen/The Enterprise. Thank you Brockton Enterprise for sharing this positive news about our "Greater Brockton Treasure" The Brockton Symphony Orchestra!
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