Sunday, January 18, 2015

Attempting to post Podcast

In an ideal world there would be a built in player just below this note, containing my 60 second commercial for the Brockton Symphony Orchestra's January 25th Chamber Music Concert.

Well, it turns out the world is more perfect than I'd realized. When I paste in the code to post the player on my blog, then use Blogger's "Preview" function, the player is not shown, so I thought it was not "there." I was blaming the problem on Podbean, who graciously give me a free web site for posting audio and then embedding it via the player. (Podbean is being a bit limited today, as I add this comment, by being very slow to buffer and play the actual music, but it's usually "instantaneous.") It turns out the limitation is that a "script" (not being a techie, I have to guess that's the right word) doesn't appear in Preview, but only when the post is Published. Thank you Blogger AND Podbean.

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